
Clifton Attendance Administrator

Campus Attendance Specialist

Sachi Edson

Rebekah Crone

Attendance Matters

43% of 9th graders who did not graduate on time missed at least 20+ days in the 9th grade (ACE Why Attendance Matters)

Daily attendance in school is a strong indicator of future success. At Clifton, students are engaged in teamwork, hands-on learning, and internships that cannot always be made up. Consistent attendance supports student learning and also helps prepare students for their future careers. When we talk with employers, they repeatedly tell us they are looking for reliable employees.

State Attendance Policies

Compulsory Attendance Law

State law (Texas Education Code Section 25.085) requires that all students older than 6 and younger than 19 attend school each day. If a student is absent from school without parental consent for three days in a four-week period or for10+ days in a six-month period, the student and/or their guardian are subject to civil prosecution by the truancy court. This includes being absent for part of a day: arriving late or leaving early.

90% Rule

In order to receive credit or a final grade for a class, a student is required to attend class 90% of the days class is offered regardless of whether the student's absences are excused [see FEA] or unexcused. As a District of Innovation, Austin ISD may choose to exempt students from this rule who successfully complete course objectives, but campuses will maintain high expectations for attendance.

For the 2024-2025 school year, 90% attendance means no more than 3 absences in Semester 1 and no more than 4 absences in Semester 2.

Clifton Attendance Procedures

Students must by physically present at Clifton to be marked present. Students are considered tardy if they arrive after the last bus. Students are considered absent if they arrive after 10:30 AM in the morning section or 2:15 PM in the afternoon section.

Reporting Absences

Parents/guardians reporting an absence 

  • Send a physical note/documentation to the Clifton Front Office. We will always offer to make a copy of the note if the student also needs to report the absence to their home campus.
  • E-mail
  • Submit an absence note online using the Austin ISD School Absence Form

Students who stay at their home campus during their Clifton period will be marked absent. Home campus attendance specialists can change the attendance code in these situations if the student is participating in another school event, has an educational meeting, etc. This should be the exception, not the rule, and it does not excuse a student from their Clifton coursework.

Students attending family trips during scheduled school days will remain coded as an unexcused absence. Car problems, traffic, or oversleeping are also considered unexcused absences or tardies. Learn more about attendance descriptions and codes.

If a student knows they will be absent, we encourage them to contact their Clifton teacher directly. Although this does not excuse the absence, this is another great habit to practice for life after high school.

Leaving Early

Students who leave early must be signed out in the office by an adult on the approved pick-up list. Leaving for any part of the day will result in an unexcused tardy. Students leaving for or arriving from a medical appointment must bring a note from the doctor to excuse the absence/tardy.

Clifton Attendance Incentives

Each grading period, Clifton celebrates students with strong attendance in their Clifton classes.

  • Students earn raffle tickets for every week with perfect Clifton attendance.
  • Students have a chance to win a small prize every 3 weeks and the chance to win a gift card every 9 weeks.
  • Throughout each grading period, every student with 90-100% attendance is recognized.
  • At the end of each grading period, the class with the best average attendance in each section earns a class celebration.